Building the Backbone of
Critical Infrastructure

Our History

From humble beginnings in 2000, ATS has grown into a recognized industry leader in the Telecom and Commercial industries. Beginning in Florida and Georgia, we’ve expanded our footprint over the years to include services throughout the Southeastern United States. Specializing in both construction and maintenance, we offer a unique single source solution, no matter how big or small the job. At ATS, we are dedicated to serving our customers and our employees. Our business was founded on relationships, and it’s our commitment to excellence that keeps us successful.

Driven by our strong company values


ATS recognizes that actions speak louder than words; therefore we relentlessly strive for quality work and excellent customer service.


Do the right thing. Easy to say, but not always easy to implement. At ATS, we strive for honesty and strong moral principles in everything we do.


Being professional is more important than ever. This means being reliable, demonstrating good work ethic, and showing respect to colleagues, clients, and customers, regardless of their backgrounds or positions.


Zero accidents are our unwavering goal. We are committed to training and re-training because you can never be too safe.

Green Initiatives

ATS strives to protect our environment whenever possible. Good stewardship should be the goal of any responsible company.

Customer Focus

We focus on the needs of our clients, the market and stay insatiably curious for knowledge and growth. We focus to give our best.


Damian Quattlebaum

Vice President, Telecom

Zack Daughtry

Vice President, Construction

Patrick Reiman

Vice President, Administration

Steve Fischer

Vice President, Business Development

Jason Westbrook

Financial Controller

Ken Holder

National Safety Director

Safety Policy

It is the policy of ATS to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and to reasonably protect our environment.  To accomplish this, management has taken the necessary steps to establish safety and environmental policies, and employee training programs to provide a safe work environment, promote safe work practices designed to avoid injury from all hazards, and promote protection of our environment.  In implementing this plan, it is the intent of Management to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws and ordinances having jurisdiction in the area where our work is being carried out.

Because accidents cause suffering and financial loss, accident prevention shall be an integral part of all operations.  Each job, each operation and each activity shall always be planned with the idea of completing it without injury to employees or damage to property or the environment.

Overall safety and environmental activity is directed and coordinated by the Corporate Director of Safety and Environmental, who directly reports to the Chief Executive Officer.  The Director works with the Division Managers, Project Managers, Superintendents and Supervisors to establish appropriate procedures on each job for the control of conditions and practices, which may cause personal injury and property damage.  The Project Manager and Job Supervisors are responsible for accident prevention and environmental protection on their jobs.  They are the key personnel in our accident prevention and environmental protection program and their active participation in job site activities is a must.

Employees are required to follow safe work practices and to take an active part in protecting the environment, themselves, their fellow workers and any others with whom their work brings them into contact, against accidental injury or damage to property.  These activities include enforcing and following all applicable safety and environmental rules including the use of personal protective equipment and attending crew safety meetings.

On the job, safety requires the establishment of three basic conditions:  a safe work environment, employee training, and an attitude on the part of employees that results in safe work practices and conduct. It is necessary to provide training and supervision to insure that all employees work safely.  Awareness for safety usually does not come naturally. With effective training programs, safety reinforcement, and supervision to teach, motivate, and sustain safety knowledge; accidents and injuries can be eliminated.

A safe work environment can be established and maintained by pre-job planning and work area inspections thus eliminating or safeguarding all recognized hazards.

Proper training of our employees, enforcing, and reinforcing our employee’s awareness of, and interest in safety and the environment can develop protective practices.  ATS shall instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.  A concentrated effort by all to develop good work habits and attitudes results in incident – free work performance.  Safety promotional activities will be conducted on a routine basis at all job sites to help develop these habits and attitudes.

Our goal is to eliminate all injuries to our employees and all damage to the environment, equipment and facilities.  Toward this goal, full cooperation is expected of all concerned.


Human Rights & Safety

ATS is committed to conducting our business ethically and with integrity. We respect human rights primarily by providing a safe and healthy workplace and ensuring non-discrimination in personnel practices. We support and respect all international human rights standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When possible and where we have direct influence, we encourage the adoption of these standards among our vendors and suppliers.

We comply with all laws governing our businesses in the geographic areas in which we operate. We encourage our employees to exhibit our corporate values in every community in which we operate, which includes the application of our human rights policy which can be viewed here.